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How much does it cost?

A full diagnostic assessment is charged at £575.

There may be an additional charge for mileage and parking which are outlined in my terms and conditions sent to you as part of the booking process.


What age should a child be for an assessment?

Children can be assessed from the age of 7. However, to be more confident that literacy challenges are the result of a specific literacy difficulty (SpLD), rather than gaps in learning, it is better to wait until the age of 8.

How long does the assessment take?

The length of the assessment will vary depending how far a child gets in each assessment test administered. However, assessments usually take between 2.5 hours and 3.5 hours. This includes short breaks between assessments.

Where are the assessments carried out?

Assessments are carried out either in your child’s school (the ideal), or in your home, in a quiet room where the assessment won’t be disturbed by noise or people entering.

Who should I give the diagnostic report to after receiving it?

The report you receive will have been written in line with The SpLD Assessment Standards Committee (SASC) guidance. It will consist of an overview (a three page summary), followed by the full report.

If a diagnosis of Dyslexia is given, you may wish to give a copy of the overview to your GP.


It is recommended that whether a diagnosis is given or not, you give the full report to your child’s school as it contains three pages of recommendations specific to the needs of your child.

How long is the report valid for?

As I hold an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC), the report given to you after assessment is valid for life.

This is particularly helpful for children when they move onto further education, as the report can be used to apply for Disabled Students Allowance (DSA).

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